Menstrual Health


Trencant el silenci: transformant la salut menstrual en el lloc de treball

In the fast-paced corporate world, where diversity and inclusion are gaining momentum, there's a crucial aspect that demands attention – women's menstrual health. Far beyond being a mere inconvenience, menstrual pain (MP) significantly impacts workplace dynamics, affecting employee well-being, office culture, productivity, and even retention. In this article, we delve into the staggering statistics surrounding menstrual health in the workplace, shedding light on why now is the opportune moment for change.

The Menstrual Health Challenge

Let's break down the compelling statistics:

  • 9 Days of Leave Due to Menstrual Pain: research reveals that a staggering 9 days of leave at work are directly attributed to menstrual pain. This not only impacts individual well-being but also takes a toll on overall workplace productivity.
  • 82% Feel Inadequate Employer Consideration: shockingly, 82% of women feel their employers don't provide adequate consideration for menstrual health. This glaring lack of support can lead to a significant drop in morale and overall job satisfaction.
  • 1 in 4 Women Contemplate Leaving Their Jobs: the impact of insufficient consideration is profound, with 1 out of 4 women considering leaving their current jobs for positions that offer better awareness and support regarding menstrual health.
  • 1 in 10 (10%) of women surveyed in a research last year, cite unsupportive management as a contributing factor to their stress.

The Timely Opportunity

Why is now the right moment to address this challenge? Let's explore:

  • Create an Inclusive Work Environment: inclusivity extends beyond gender and ethnicity. Addressing menstrual health ensures that all employees feel seen and supported, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Champion Corporate Social Responsibility (EU Agenda 2030 Goals): aligning with EU Agenda 2030 goals demonstrates a commitment to sustainable development. Recognizing menstrual health aligns with these goals, showcasing dedication to social responsibility.
  • Promote Health, Well-being, and Gender Equality: prioritizing menstrual health contributes to overall well-being and reinforces gender equality in the workplace, cultivating a positive corporate culture.
  • Attract, Retain, and Engage Talent: companies actively addressing menstrual health concerns are more likely to attract, retain, and engage top talent, positively impacting corporate image and employee satisfaction.

Managers, HR: What You Can Do

Navigating the evolving landscape of workplace dynamics demands recognition of menstrual health as a fundamental aspect of employee well-being. By addressing this challenge, companies can create a more inclusive, socially responsible, and supportive workplace. Moonai eagerly seeks collaboration to manage period pain and foster awareness in the workplace. Let's initiate a conversation that goes beyond statistics, embracing the well-being of every employee.

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29 de gener de 2024


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