Consells de salut


Menstrual Health




Com ser productiu en el teu període? Aneu amb el flux!

Let’s face it, being productive on your period is always a titanic challenge. And we all have to face it every single month… That’s why here at Moonai we want to share a few tips and tricks with you.

In short, you need to go with the flow, literally, and leverage on all the hormonal changes your body is experiencing to increase your productivity levels and accomplish more work tasks than ever.

How does menstrual health affect your workplace?

It’s no secret that menstrual health is crucial for your physical and emotional wellbeing. Not taking care of it or not focusing on yourself can lead to increased productivity loss and absenteeism.

That is mostly due to hormonal changes that alter the way you perceive your surroundings, the way you feel and the way you react. To make things worse, different period phases affect you in different ways. When uncontrolled, these phases can confuse you, your body, your mind and just leave you a mess. We don’t want that.

In an era where we have been conditioned to adapt to men’s schedules and routines, the best course of action is taking advantage of the infamous PMs week (or weeks)

Period phases explained

There is still little research and information on menstrual health and period related topics, meaning that there is a long way to go. But, one thing that’s clear is, we all go through four very different menstrual phases.

Menstruation phase

The most easily recognizable one. This is where the bleeding happens and it usually lasts between 3 and 7 days.

Follicular phase

The follicular phase lasts between 6 and 14 days, but can go to up to 27 days in some cases and it’s characterised by the fact that your uterus is preparing for a potential pregnancy.

The hormones involved in this phase are estrogen and progesterone, which increase significantly, while your testosterone level stays on the same level as before.

Ovulation phase

After the follicular phase comes a time when your egg is released, usually around the middle of your cycle. This is a very quick process as it tends to last just 24 hours, although you might feel it for 3 or 4 days due to the high levels of estrogen and testosterone your body produces.

Luteal phase

If you didn’t get pregnant during the ovulation, your uterus will understand that everything needs to be renewed and will prepare itself to shed its lining, which is where the next menstruation phase will begin, repeating the whole process again.

This phase usually lasts for 11 to 14 days and your estrogen and progesterone levels will rise. Fun fact, this is where your progesterone levels will reach their maximum concentrations before dropping dramatically at the end of the luteal phase.

Using your menstrual health to your advantage

Now, let’s go over the different phases, but this time focusing on your wellbeing and productivity rather than on the biological changes you are undergoing in each.

Menstruation phase

Your energy levels, productivity and focus will be at their lowest and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, this is the time where your right and left brain will be communicating most, making this time perfect for trusting your intuition and listening to what’s happening to evaluate your course of action.

Perfecte per:

  • Utilitzeu les vostres habilitats analítiques
  • Repensar les estratègies
  • Avaluar els resultats
  • Reduïu les tasques de treball reals
  • Descansa molt de l'estrès de córrer sempre al rellotge i fer les coses
  • Redueix els teus compromisos socials i passa uns dies d'introspecció

Follicular phase

The follicular phase is your time to shine, your superstar moment where you go from Miley Stewart to Hannah Montana. You will have a good time all the time as your energy levels will dramatically increase and your creativity will be peaking until the end of the phase.

This stage of your menstrual cycle is perfect to:

  • Start new projects
  • Get all the work done and accomplish all your tasks
  • Tackle those difficult and complex issues you have been thinking about
  • Plan the month ahead and do heavy duty project management
  • Be creative
  • Let that drive to succeed run your day

Ovulation phase

The ovulation phase of your menstrual cycle will most probably be your extrovert period, where you won’t be as creative, but you will enjoy the outward focused energy provided by high levels of testosterone.

It will be your time to:

  • Be a go getter
  • Schedule important and maybe difficult meetings and chats
  • Teamwork with your peers
  • Ask for a raise

Luteal phase

During this phase you will feel like locking yourself in your room with some ice cream and zero interaction with the outside world. That’s your hormones speaking.

You will start to get into the intuitive part of your menstrual cycle (although this side of you will be stronger during the menstruation phase). This time is perfect to:

  • Focus on solo tasks that involve you and only you
  • Take time for some self-care
  • Focus on detail
  • Wrap up projects and focus on admin stuff

Extra help to be productive on your period

Now that we talked about what you should do in each phase to make it easier for your mind and body, let’s talk about how you can make your cycle even better.

There are several actions you can take to reduce period cramps and general menstruation symptoms that might stop you from being productive. That covers natural remedies, nutritional needs and plain old tricks to make your body go along and not against you. One of those solutions is listening to binaural beats, aka scientifically designed and produced sounds aimed at altering your brain behaviour. Moonai is full of these and all of them have been created to help you with a specific menstrual phase and productivity needs in mind. Just around 10 minutes of listening to these beats will turn your day around for the better.

Embrace your cycle

We are getting more and more open about our cycles and hope to manage them effectively and use them to our benefit instead of just going with them.

Don’t be old-fashioned and take advantage of the amazing hormonal changes of your body to increase your productivity, creativity and well-being.

1 de febrer de 2023


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